Thursday, February 25, 2010

Appt. Update

I just got back from the dr. and things are looking pretty good. I have 8 follicles ranging in size from 5cm - 7cm and 1 big one that is 12cm. The dr. was happy with the way things were going, but was a little concerned about the 12cm follicle. She said when one big one forms they tend to steal all the hormones needed for the other ones to develop and grow. Once they get the results back from the blood work, they'll adjust my meds accordingly. She said they might increase my meds a little so the other follicles can keep growing. My next appt. is Sunday morning and hopefully things will keep progressing the same way.

So far, I feel pretty good. I was a little worried about going in today because I haven't felt anything. I've been reading blogs and forums from other people and most of them all mentioned feeling their ovaries getting bigger. I was afraid there wouldn't be anything developing. I guess they're either more sensitive or just a bunch of babies.

It caught me off guard by how uncomfortable the ultrasound was. They're usually pretty uneventful, but today's was noticeably more unpleasant. I would imagine that they're only going to get more uncomfortable as my ovaries get bigger and bigger. Yeah.......

1 comment:

  1. You're in my prayers, Becky! Thanks for keeping up updated!!
