Monday, February 22, 2010

Here we go

I went to the dr. this morning and today we did the baseline ultrasound, uterine measurements and checked for cysts. (I must say how much fun it is to get an ultrasound done while your currently on your menstrual cycle.) Luckily for me, Dr. Hansard is amazing and super quick about it. I really like that the doctors do all their own ultrasounds because they're really quick and efficient. Everything looked good, no cysts and nothing out of the ordinary. So tonight I get to start taking Gonal-F, the ovarian stim. drugs. Due to some annoying issues with the insurance company, we had to switch from Follistim to Gonal-F. The meds still haven't arrived, so the office is giving me one of theirs to use until mine finally decide to arrive. This med is a little different then the one they trained me on, so I had to go through injection training all over again. I am a little nervous because it's a pretty high dose and if I already find 10cc of Lupron to be uncomfortable, how am I going to react to all this?!! And now I have to give myself a shot in the morning and one in the stomach already looks like a pin cushion, I can't imagine how it's going to look and feel after 2 shots a day. I'm seriously thinking about having Chris give me the Gonal-F injection in back of the arm and I'll do the Lupron in my stomach. I just have a hard time trusting someone else to inject me, especially since I have to relinquish my control. Any way, so I start that tonight and then I go back on Thursday for a blood draw and another ultrasound. Hopefully everything will be moving along nicely and we can hurry up and get these injections over with!!

This isn't my picture, but it's almost identical to what I have to take:

If you're really bored, here's the video they recommend I watch:

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